Grace has a ton of bows, and I have lost quite a few of those bows. I keep them in the top drawer of her bureau in a very small box. This box has long since overflowed and it's really hard to see what I have and to keep them from getting mixed into her socks and hosiery. Hence, the hair bow organizer.
I had had the idea to make one for quite a while and in doing my research I came across many a tutorial on such organizers. I found one that I really liked because of the finished look of it, however, when I went to retrieve the site so I could link it, I couldn't find it. I thought I saved it but I clearly didn't. So I'll go forward, but when I find it, I'll come back and give credit where credit is due.
First, let me start by saying this is part one of this project because my family might be moving and I might change the entire color scheme of Grace's room. So, I didn't paint the frame as I originally intended so it's a tad bit unfinished, but I needed the organizer bad and besides, part two will be really fun as I'll paint and decorate the frame to give it some more pizazz! But for now, it's pure functionality at it's best.
Here are the materials you will need to complete this project:

- Picture Frame with Glass - size of your choosing
- Fabric - 1/2 Yard is plenty if you would like to have some left overs
- Coordinating Ribbon - 9ft or more
- Hot Glue Gun and Glue Sticks
- Scissors
- Fabric Marking Pen
Just a hint, grab your frame from a local thrift store or use an old one that you would like to re-purpose. I got mine at Goodwill for $15. It's a large frame at a finished size of 19 1/2" x 23 1/2". I would have probably paid close to $30 maybe $40 if I had bought it at any retail store. It's a great frame and very sturdy so I feel I got a great deal.
First, remove the backing from the frame and pull out the glass. Take your fabric and place it under the glass. Cut the fabric so that there is at least 1" overage. I say "at least" because if your fabric is like mine, checked, then you might have to do some maneuvering to make everything line up properly.
Next, on one side, hot glue the corners down first. Then continue on down the side to reach the other corner.
Next, go to the opposite side and do the same thing, pulling tightly before gluing down your corners (watch your pattern if you have one). Move on to the other two sides and glue down. You should finish to have a nice covered piece of glass.
Next, measure your glass and add 2". Cut your ribbon to that length. Cut however many pieces your want. I cut five and I was going to add two more strips to go perpendicular to the other five, but I ran out of ribbon. Boo! Lesson learned.
On one side measure and mark with a fabric pen at even intervals where you want your ribbon to be placed. Do the same for the opposite side to have straight pieces of ribbon in the end.
Take the ribbon and with right side facing the floor, put it on the fabric side of your glass. Take the ribbon at your marked spots and hot glue it down.
Put the glass back into the frame, decorated or not, and replace the backing. And Voila!!! Now you have a beautiful hair bow organizer to easily access your child's easy to lose hair bows and it makes quite the pretty picture in your child's room.
And now, for a little Mother's Day cannoli...YUM!
I don't know when I'll decorate the frame, but when I do, you can be sure it will be posted and will be very fun!
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