Thursday, March 28, 2013

Vote on the Next Project!!

Hi there everyone!  Okay!!!  So what should the next project be?

From Left to Right...

 -  A Three cubby bookshelf for the playroom

 -  Farmhouse doll bed (Sandy has been needing a bed for quite a while)

 -  Original painting utilizing an old canvas that was here when we moved in and depicting the scene of my two lovies.

 -  Handmade knitted washcloths from Purlbee.  We seem to be in need of some new why not make them.  I made one a long time ago and I love the feel of it.


Look to the right of your screen and find the Next Project Poll.  You can choose multiple projects if you are not sure which project you like the most.

Poll ends Friday (March 29th) at 12pm.  Work on projects will begin next week!

I can't wait to see what project you choose!

Until next time...

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