Friday, October 5, 2012

Photo of The Week

Look at those two.  It doesn't get much cuter than that. 

That's baby boy Ben and Jubbles the Claire...see what I did there...

I love two babies together.  They are always so fascinated with one another.  From the moment these two met they have been lovey doveys.  Claire used to crawl onto Ben when he was still back bound and would kick her legs up and down behind her with excitement.  She loved to give him kisses.  

When Ben was just starting to move around, he got her back.  He would grab her and kiss her.  He even kind of tackled her a couple times.  He would just pin her and give this amazingly huge smile.  I've never seen anything like this kids smile.

And this visit was no different except for the fact that they haven't seen each other in a while and a lot has changed.  Claire walks very well and Ben is just starting to.  Claire would squeal with excitement when Ben would get going and he was so gentle when would touch her face and hair.

They played and played together.  At one point I caught a stare down and then a giggle.  They were so sweet together.  

I already had my photo of the week post written and ready but when my friend and her boys decided to crash my afternoon...YAY!...the pictures I got were just too much for me to pass up.

That's right...boys.  We had four little kiddos running around.  Grace, Claire, Jake and Ben...and I think Ben took his very first solo steps to mommy!  That was exciting.

And even though this is the "Photo" of the week...I can't help but share a few others from our visit...

Jake, smiling.  He's so active and busy...

Claire and Ben playing on the computer... 

Jake and Grace playing in the dirt and having an absolute blast.  At one point they were sitting right next to each other working together to fill a bucket and quietly talking to each other.  So cute.

Look at that cuteness!

Oh, that smile.  It just kills me.  And boy does he loves his Momma!

Everyone played together so nicely.  It was so much fun.

A little platter of our finest meats and cheeses.  Jake kept feeding Claire and it was very serious work.  He kept saying, "Care like cheese....I do too."

Such a fun afternoon.  It was definitely the icing on the cake for my day.  

Thank you Jen for sharing your friendship and your family with mine.  

Until next time...

Linked up to... 

The Hollie Rogue

McDougall Photography

The Long Road to China
the long road


  1. There is a lot of cuteness in those photos!

  2. Thank you Emily, I agree. It was such a fun afternoon.

  3. Shannah, I made that hat that morning! My first ever! Post to come next week. I'm glad you like it.

  4. How cute- I love seeing them play together at that age & explore.

  5. SO cute! Thanks for linking up. :)


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