Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Bella's Blossoms Free Giveaway!

**Giveaway is now closed**

What an exciting day!

Today, I have the pleasure of introducing our newest sponsor of Momma C Designs and I am hosting my very first Giveaway! 

And today's sponsored giveaway comes to us from...

My dear friend, Robin, over at Bella's Blossoms is giving away not one, not two, but THREE of her amazing crocheted blossoms.  These are so cute and look great as a stand-alone hair accessory or on one of her crocheted hats.

Take a look at some of her creations.  She doesn't just do blossoms. Check out all of her amazing products for sale at Bella's Blossoms.

I am thrilled to have Bella’s Blossoms as a sponsor and can’t wait to showcase more of the amazing goodies that come from such a talented woman.

If you would like a chance to win three beautiful crocheted blossoms, here's how to enter...

  Leave a comment telling me how you express your creativity   

♥  And if you are an eager beaver, be sure to like our Facebook pages  ♥

You have until 12pm Sunday, October 14th to enter.  I'll announce the winner on Monday.

Good luck and Until next time...


  1. I express my creativity through cooking.

    lovelydomesticdiva (at) gmail (dot) com

  2. I express my creativity through my daily lifestyle. The way I dress is a big expression of my creativity. I also stick with this motto: If I want something, I will make it!

  3. My creativity is expressed through photography, drawing, cooking and crafts. I love to find different things to work on. Photography has always been my favorite.

  4. I express my creativity at my job. Right now I am selling booths to an up coming expo. I attached folded paper ghosts to the expo booth information. When you open the ghosts they have a cookies and cream chocolate bar with a sitcker I made that say: How's about a boo-th? A little creativity makes a difference in your personal life and at work too:)

  5. I express my creativy through being a momma, home decorating & sewing/embroidery. I make lots of kiddo/toddler/baby gifts, but my signature item is the Baby Bottle Swaddle (you can check it out on facebook).
    Shanna - you go too Robin! Hope you ladies are doing great.


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