Friday, September 28, 2012

Photo of the Week

Obviously, this photo wasn't taken this week.  But I thought that since this little angel has been on my mind so much this week, it was only fitting to have her as my first Photo of the Week post.   (That's a lot of "weeks" in one paragraph!)

Claire just turned one in August and even though I desperately try not to think about her birth and the days after, that seems to be all I can think about lately.  

There are a couple new and, quite frankly, stinking adorable babies around me these days.  Holding these tiny little creatures has given me a bit of baby fever.  But as soon as I think, "Yeah, why not?  We could have another one."  My brain then comes to a screeching halt and I immediately think about her birth.

I don't know if Mr. MCD and I will ever have another baby.  We both want one.  But I think I'm too afraid right now to even try.

As for the picture.  This was the very first picture I took of her to share with everyone.  I took it on August 31st, 2011, 20 days after she was actually born, and I still didn't share it until September 1st.  I remember thinking and asking Mr. MCD if he thought we could...if we should.  I think I kept thinking that the amazing miraculous recovery she had made would all of a sudden disappear and I really wouldn't get to have her after all.

Claire is a miracle and there is no doubt about that.  She has no physical issues...a shock.  She has no brain damage...a COMPLETE shock.  In fact, she's crazy smart.

I am lucky I came out of it alive and, God willing, still able to have future babies if our family wishes and Claire is truly a blessed baby.

We love our family and we love our friends.  It always amazes me the support and comfort people can give in the darkest of situations.  

Happy 1st Birthday to my little miracle.

Until next time...

Linked up to "Photo Friday" at The Hollie Rogue

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

DIY Inspiration Line

Hi there!  I've got a fun little tutorial today.  This project cost me ZERO dollars!  However, I had all the ingredients from previous projects.  No fear though!  If you want to make your very own Inspiration Line and need to get the materials, you can make just one stop at your local craft store and spend under $10.  Not bad when you consider how stinking cute these things are.

Materials needed for your very own Inspiration Line include:

Twine - cut to desired length
Miniature Clothespins
Putty Adhesive
Hot Glue (optional)
Embellishments/Buttons (optional)

Just as a side note, the putty I used was your basic sticky-tack variety.  A little goes a long way.  With that said, you want to make sure the majority of the back of the clothespin is covered in order to have a secure hold.

Three small pieces seemed sufficient.  I also chose to use three clothespins to secure to the wall as the length I wanted would have put too much strain on two clothespins alone.  I highly suggest dividing the distance between endpoints if your length is going to be more than 15-20 inches.

Here they are firmly pressed against the wall.  And then I realized...

I needed a bit of color.  After all, this is in the playroom, which is full of color...

Plus, I've had these buttons that were given to me for over a year.  I've tried to use them several times.  However, I couldn't find a high flyin' thing to put these on!

So of course, I cut off the shank with utility scissors (the shank was plastic) and hot glued those cuties to the clothespins.  More than adorable!

This part is completely optional.  In fact I did this same project without embellishments in my kitchen area to rotate artwork made by G.  I love the naked clothespins just as much.

Next clip on your string and attach your beautiful and inspirational pictures and memorabilia to the twine with the extra clothespins.  So easy, it's silly.

On my Inspiration Line I have a recent letter from the oh so beautiful Shannah of Write Before Your Eyes and one of my favorite pictures of Mr. MCD and G during Father's Day back in 2010.  There is also a cool postcard, a bow, a favorite note card, birthday card and some art by my amazing Niece and Nephew.  I'm sure there will be more, but I'm happy to now have those things I love and look to for comfort and inspiration right in front of my creative work space.


I hope you have enjoyed this simple tutorial.  I love the whimsy it brings to the room.  I also love the fact that it took me no more than ten minutes to complete.  That's a win-win right there.  If making this from scratch it would be under $10 in 10 minutes...are you kidding me.

This little sewing/crafting desk is actually in the playroom but it's permanent and the sewing machine can stay out at all times. The Inspiration Line makes this little area even more personal  in a sea of toys and I love that. 

Thanks for stopping by!  Until next time...